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Weekly reviews

Week 1

I really enjoyed this first week was an introduction to the costume part of the course, and we did the first costume brief, which was to design a costume for miss Havisham from great expectations, which I found really exiting especially because I hadn’t looked into this character before. I found the designing aspect more enjoyable than the sampling, so I need to remember in the coming weeks to try and keep a balance between the two. I was happy with the outcome of this week, and I am excited to continue on this pathway. I am now sure that I made the right choice by picking costume.

Week 2

This week was all about colour, and we used colour mixing techniques which was really helpful from a practical point of view, and I also looked at colour theory in costume, which helped back up my new practical knowledge with context and background so that I could apply it into future designs and projects. This week I chose to do my project on Ariel from the tempest, which I really enjoyed, as I was able to experiment with colours and new techniques to create designs. We also did some more photoshop work, which I enjoyed because I am excited to progress my photoshop knowledge as it is something that I love working with and designing with because of the sleek look of the designs.

Week 3

This week, we launched the Eclectic project, which seems really exciting. I found this week quite difficult, because I was also balancing work experience helping out backstage at a show in Southampton with the foundation course work, which was tiring because the performances didn’t finish until late and then I had to drive back to Bournemouth after each one. I definitely think that the experience was worth it though, because I learned a lot about the practical aspect of costumes on stage. In pathway, we focused on research on brighton, then the brighton trip itself which consisted on sketching, taking photographs and collecting other primary research for our eclectic projects. I am really excited to move forward with this slightly longer project, so that I can bring more depth into the characters than in previous weeks.

Week 4

Week 4 for me was about bringing together all my research from last week and bringing in further secondary research to back it up, and collecting all together to create costumes. I have chosen to design costumes for the main character in Pride and Prejudice, Lizzie Bennet, who is an interesting character to design for as she has a lot of layers to unfold. In line with the eclectic brief, I have also tried to include influences from other eras, and I have chosen to give her costume a 60s makeover, which has proven to be really exciting and given her another level for me. I have used techniques (especially photoshop) that I have learned previously in pathway, and it has been fun bringing it all together. Next week I am aiming to come up with some well thought out designs for Lizzie Bennet as well as some idea of a concept for the rest of the sisters’ costumes, but not to the same detail as the character I have been focusing on mainly.

Week 5

I am happy with how this week has gone, and with completing the eclectic project. I managed to come up with final designs for Elizabeth Bennet that combine an eclectic mix of sources, including Brighton, the regency period, the 60s mods movement, as well as a mix of other creative practitioners who I was influenced by, especially director Baz Luhrmann. I am happy that I pushed myself and came up with designs for the other 4 sisters to compliment the designs for Elizabeth, as I feel that this gave my project a better idea of concept, as I was able to show how all the sisters costumes would work as a group, and how they would compare and contrast to each other. I have really enjoyed the first 5 weeks of pathway, but I am also excited for the Christmas break, as trying to balance my uni work, work experience, dancing and running a small costume business is becoming a lot of stress to handle. I think next term I need to be careful about how much I commit to and take on, so that it doesn’t get to much, and affect my uni work.

Week 6

The first week back after Christmas, on day 1 we presented the who am I project, which I found really fun as it was interesting to see how different everyone’s was, and how our different influences and interests all compared. I was happy with the work that I completed over Christmas, and I also think that it has helped me to highlight some of my interests, which will come in useful when planning future projects, especially the FMP. One of the things that I did in my who am I project, was look back at my family tree and do a portrait of my grandmothers mother, which I found really interesting to research, especially finding out about that period of time (30s) and the war years, which might be something that I look at later for my FMP.

Week 7

This week we launched the Inside out brief, which I have started brainstorming and coming up with ideas for. I have found it interesting over the past 7 weeks to see how much easier it has become for me to think of ideas for projects quickly and jump straight into them. Slow moving long projects is something which has been difficult for me to move on from, which is something left over from DT and Art A levels. I am starting to love the fast pace of the projects though and I feel that it is better preparing me for real life. I also think that I am producing more work, and being more expressive and better at quick decision making. I have chosen to do my Inside out project about a ballet version of the little mermaid, and try and create a transforming costume, from a human to a spirit, which is the last transformation that the little mermaid undergoes. Dance is a huge part of my life, so I have a real interest in dance costumes especially, so I am excited to do a project on them.

Tutorial With Mel

On the whole, Mel was really positive about my work, and it was so helpful being able to talk to her about my future choices for HE. She was able to give ideas and ways to improve for my next projects, which included making sure that I stay on top of all of the other things that Im doing alongside the course, which is something that I know I need to keep an eye on. She said that she thought i was ticking all the boxes within my projects, which is obviously something that I try to do, but I still would like to make sure that they are not too formulaic, so that I don't risk losing the creative flow in my work. Mel also gave advice on uni degrees, which was helpful as she did the same degree that I am hoping to do, minus the set design aspect, which she said she wished she could have done but didn't have the opportunity, so I should take it if its there. Overall, this tutorial has been really useful.

Week 8

This week was about powering through research and initial ideas for me, so that I am able to spend next week making the actual costume. I have found the fast pace exciting and has helped me actually to produce more work. I am happy with how the project is progressing and I am looking forward to having a final outcome. I have also been building a portfolio this week, to take to uni interviews which has meant that I have had to balance my time carefully, which is proving difficult, but I still think that I will be able to have reached the conclusion of the project by the end of next week.

Week 9

I am really happy about how this project has gone, and I am excited that I have pushed myself and made a full costume, and a video of it in use to go along side it. I was quite careful about time planning this project, which I definitely found helpful, as I made a great deal of time plans and to do lists, which helped to keep me on track. I found the project review very helpful, as I was able to hear feedback from my peers which is always really useful, as we were able to bounce ideas off one another which I find really enjoyable. I have also started thinking about FMP this week, and I have started to have a few ideas about what I might like to do, so I am excited to start that as well.




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