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End of Week 4

How effectively did you use your time this week?

I was happy with the end result of this project, so I think that I spent the right amount of time on it this week, and I didn't have to rush lots at the end, although I did end up going back wards and doing some more research towards the end of the project, however I dont necessarily think that this is a bad thing, as the creative process is not always linear, and can jump around between research and development to final ideas.

What new research or contextual references did you need to find to sustain your ideas/project?

I had to complete some research into different fabrics that can be used for stage costumes, and to see how they drape and would move on stage. I also did research into 1920s fashion was was super interesting, and well as the art deco architecture of the time. I also did a lot of research into character analysis and into the book itself which was fun, and I enjoyed doing it because it made the project feel more real, like it was for a professional production.

How well did you maintain on-going annotation and the documentation of your work?

I didn't do as much annotation in my learning journal this week, as I used the moodbaords that we made to do all the annotation and also a serious of different mind maps which I found really helpful. I am also starting to get a bit more used to my blog now, and so I think that for the next project I am going to mostly use that as an alternative to my sketchbook.

Was the last two weeks experience of art/media/design what you expected? If not, how was it different?

It was similar to what I expected in the sense of the project, and I am glad that it was very open and that we could adapt it to suit what we wanted to do. I think it was different to how I expected with the really fast pace, but I am getting used to it, and I did know that the foundation was very fast moving, and I am really enjoying going this quickly.




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